Our company has ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System certificate.
As stated in our Management Systems Policy; The success and continuity of our company depends on our customers and therefore on their satisfaction both in our products and in their business relations with us. One of our main goals is to identify the wishes and needs of our customers early and to meet these needs in a reliable way.
We see customer complaints not as a problem, but as unique opportunities in our recovery and development process. We create and implement the necessary processes in order to receive customer complaints and feedback effectively and accurately, to resolve the complaint, and to respond to customer complaints satisfactorily.
Customer Feedback Method
You can forward your complaints and feedback to us from our phone, fax or e-mail addresses in our contact information.
Recording and Information
All customer complaints are recorded and evaluated with the “Customer Complaints and Suggestions Evaluation Form” in accordance with the “Customer Satisfaction After Sales Surveillance Procedure”.
The complaint or feedback is recorded by the first recipient by identifying with the name of the customer, the notification date, the notifier and the notification type, the subject of the notification, the customer’s request, and, if available, detailed information about the product and / or service.
Immediately after the complaint / feedback is recorded and the first evaluation is made by the relevant department managers, the customer is informed via the “Customer Complaint Preliminary Information Form” or verbally in cases where it cannot be reached. Corrective and Preventive Actions are initiated in accordance with the Preventive Action Procedure and Corrective Action Procedure for customer complaints.
Complaint Evaluation
If the subject of the complaint is a product, the archive sample (witness sample) of the relevant product and, if possible, the sample of the product sent to the customer are re-analyzed and checked whether there is a problem with the product.
If no problem is detected in the witness sample of the product subject to the complaint, what may have caused the customer’s complaint (misuse, improper storage, etc.) is investigated in detail. In the meantime, the customer is informed again about the analysis results of the witness sample and that the examination is continuing in detail.
If the customer complaint is found to be justified, the procedures are carried out in accordance with the Improper Service and Material Procedure and the Recall and Return Procedure.
If the non-compliance is related to a service, the personnel providing the relevant service is warned.
Customer grievances arising from complaints are eliminated according to mutual meetings with the customer.
The application is initiated by the relevant departments regarding the permanent actions determined for solutions based on the negotiations with the customer.
Concluding the Complaint
Following the evaluation of the complaint and the agreement with the customer, the results are recorded and the complaint is closed.